AECOsim Building Designer Help

Using the Key-in IFCOUT

The IFC Export tool key-in command syntax IFCOUT [FILENAME [OPTIONS]] makes use of combinations of switches and arguments.

The filename is either the IFC file path, or * to generate from the source DGN file name. If not specified, the Key-in opens the IFC Export dialog.

Options have both short and long forms. For instance, "c" or "cobie". Some options have arguments separated by a colon to control their operation. For instance, "m:FMH" or "mvd:FMH".

Tip: The OPTIONS portion of the key-in may be listed in any order:
Option Action Argument values
c [cobie] Create COBie spreadsheet no argument
o [optimize] Optimize IFC file
z [zip] Zip IFC file
m [mvd] Specifies Model View Definition One of the following:
  • IFC2x3_EX - IFC2x3 CV2.0 + QTO & Space Boundaries (default)
  • IFC2x3_CV – Pure IFC2x3 CV2.0
  • IFC2x3_FMH - IFC2x3 Facilities Management Handover
  • IFC4_RV - IFC4 Reference View
  • IFC4_DTV - FC4 Design Transfer View
  • IFC4_DTV_BS - IFC4 DTV with NURBs
t [tolerance] Specifies tolerance for facet approximation of curves and curved surfaces Value from range 1000-5000
  • Default: 1000
Examples Result and IFC Export equivalents
Ifcout * Exports IFC2x3 CV2.0 + QTO & Space Boundaries to the file with the same name and name of dgn.
ifcout * o Exports IFC2x3 CV2.0 + QTO & Space Boundaries to the file with the same name and name of dgn and optimize it.
ifcout * m:IFC2x3_FMH c Exports IFC2x3 Facilities Management Handover and create COBie spreadsheet.
ifcout * mvd:IFC2x3_FMH cobie optimize zip Long form version.

Exports IFC2x3 Facilities Management Handover, optimize IFC file, and COBie spreadsheet and zip ifc file.

ifcout c:\test.ifc [m:IFC4_RV | IFC4_DTV | IFC4_DTV_BS] Exports IFC4 Reference View | Design Transfer View | DTV with NURBs respectively, to the file c:\test.ifc.
Note: Key-ins and options can also be used when exporting IFC files in batch process.